Speech Language Pathology

Speech-Language Pathology is a healthcare field that specializes in improving a client's verbal and nonverbal communication abilities. Children may have speech and language delays as their only area of concern. However, they may also experience delays related to other diagnoses including: autism, Down Syndrome, cleft lip or palate, hearing impairment, developmental disorders, or other congenital conditions.Speech Language Pathologists (SLPs) diagnose and treat a variety of speech, language, voice, and swallowing challenges. They focus on the areas of:
* Speech (articulation of specific sounds)
*Language (auditory comprehension and verbal expression)
*Pragmatics (social language skills)
SLPs often target: the ability to express wants/thoughts/needs, understanding verbal language, engaging appropriately with peers in social settings, and targeting speech sound production to improve intelligibility of speech. To achieve these goals: a total communication approach is used, involving any or all of the following methods to promote communication including: verbal output, signing, picture exchange communication system, and augmentative/alternative communication.